ChocoModica 2024 will take place from the 6th to the 8th of December
Modica is preparing for the 2024 edition of Chocomodica, stay tuned for more information at:
The new Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 on Geographical Indications comes into force
From 13 May 2024, the new European Regulation on Geographical Indications came into force. The consolidated text that regulates together for the first time, the sectors of wines, spirit drinks and agricultural products with Geographical Indication. The strengthening of the role of protection consortia is highlighted by providing more effective tools to combat violations and […]
The Peruvian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project – PESIPRO, phase 2
PESIPRO-II aims to strengthen the use of selected IPRs in Peru in order to contribute to higher competitiveness, help to boost the added value of Peruvian products, and to have an overall positive impact on Peruvian economic development.
The European Union and Regional Areas in formation; L’Unione europea e le aree regionali in formazione
Please translate in en_us: The European Union and Regional Areas in formation; L’Unione europea e le aree regionali in formazione
ChocoModica 2024 will take place from the 6th to the 8th of December
Modica is preparing for the 2024 edition of Chocomodica, stay tuned for more information at:
The new Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 on Geographical Indications comes into force
From 13 May 2024, the new European Regulation on Geographical Indications came into force. The consolidated text that regulates together for the first time, the sectors of wines, spirit drinks and agricultural products with Geographical Indication. The strengthening of the role of protection consortia is highlighted by providing more effective tools to combat violations and […]
The Peruvian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project – PESIPRO, phase 2
PESIPRO-II aims to strengthen the use of selected IPRs in Peru in order to contribute to higher competitiveness, help to boost the added value of Peruvian products, and to have an overall positive impact on Peruvian economic development.
The European Union and Regional Areas in formation; L’Unione europea e le aree regionali in formazione
Please translate in en_us: The European Union and Regional Areas in formation; L’Unione europea e le aree regionali in formazione
Salón del Chocolate Perù 2023 seminario Las DOs de Cacao y Chocolate en America Latina y Caribe
Salón del Chocolate Perù 2023 seminario Las DOs de Cacao y Chocolate en America Latina y Caribe
Event IP-Key IG-DO-ETG Cuzco Perú
Únete a nuestro evento híbrido en #Cusco, #Perú.
The Parliament approves the new law to combat global deforestation
The European Parliament has definitively approved a law which provides that companies will be able to sell in the EU only products whose supplier has issued a declaration of “due diligence” (so-called due diligence) certifying that the product does not come from land deforested and§/or did not contribute to forest degradation, as of December 31, […]
European Union provides technical assistance to Ecuador to build National Adaptation Plan to the European Green Pact
Cacao e Cioccolato Maya e con DO Grijalva
Encuentro enriquecedor y dulce con una maestra chocolatera de Tabasco con cacao blanco ancestral Maya y DO GrijalvaExitos en EUROCHOCOLATE PERUGIA 2022
INNOVARE PER CRESCERE PUGLIA 2022 Agenzia ICE organizza, in collaborazione con Confindustria BARI BAT nell’ambito del Piano Export Sud 2 V annualità un ciclo di attività formative rivolto a PMI, Consorzi, Reti di impresa con sede nella Regione PUGLIA. Scadenza 26 aprile 2022 Il Corso è gratuito e finanziato con risorse del PES2 Il percorso, […]
CORSO INNOVARE PER CRESCERE SICILIA 10-11-16-17-18 MARZO Scadenza adesioni: 22 FEBBRAIO 2022 ORE 12 Art.2 Articolazione del corso Il percorso si articolerà in due fasi: 1^ fase – Formazione in aula virtuale. (5 giornate on line da 4 ore) così suddivise: • Modulo 1 e 2 (10- 11 Marzo) – Proprietà Intellettuale e desk […]
SME FUND «Ideas Powered for business»
The Ideas Powered for business SME Fund is a grant scheme designed to help EU small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) intellectual property (IP) rights. The SME Fund is a European Commission initiative implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and will run from 10 January 2022 to 16 December 2022. contact us at
PROGRAMA DE FORMACIÓN PARA PRODUCTORES Y TÉCNICOS DE CACAO Y CHOCOLATE EN LATINOAMÉRICA Módulo de Denominación de origen (DO)07 de diciembre de 2021 – 18 de enero de 2022 docente Achille Bianchi Proyecto «La cadena del cacao/chocolate en Ecuador y otros países latinoamericanos» ejecutado por el IILA con fondos de DGCS-MAECI(Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Haití, […]
ICE Agenzia organizza, nell’ambito del Piano Export Sud 2 e in collaborazione con Confindustria Caserta un ciclo di attività formative rivolto a PMI, Consorzi, Reti di impresa con sede nella Regione Campania. Il percorso intende rafforzare e sviluppare le conoscenze e competenze nel campo della tutela della Proprietà Intellettuale e della digitalizzazione, ed e-commerce con […]
The #EU – #China Geographical Indications #GIs agreement is entered into force yesterday March 1° 2021
The #EU – #China Geographical Indications #GIs agreement is entered into force yesterday March 1° 2021 For more details and for the lists of products protected 👉
ICE Agenzia organizza, nell’ambito del Piano Export Sud 2 un ciclo di attività formativerivolto a PMI, Consorzi, Reti diimpresa con sede nella RegioneSICILIA.Il percorso, svolto in modalità webinar, intende rafforzare e sviluppare leconoscenze e competenze nel campo della tutela della ProprietàIntellettuale e della strategia digitalecon l’obiettivo di accrescere il loro business e la competitività sui […]
The Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund is a 20 million Euro grant scheme created to help European SMEs for IP rights.
The Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund is a 20 million Euro grant scheme created to help European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access their intellectual property rights. Supported by the European Commission and the EUIPO, the Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund is aimed at businesses that wish to develop their IP strategies and […]
Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Boas Festas! Feliz Natal! Joyeux Noël!
Please translate in en_us: Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Boas Festas! Feliz Natal! Joyeux Noël!
SENSATIONAL! Cooking with great European products DOP-IGP
Please translate in en_us: ¡SENSACIONAL! Cocinando con productos europeos de calidad DOP-IGP
Congreso del Cacao latinoamericano
Conferencia Achille Bianchi Los cacao con denominaciones de Origen en America Latina miercoles 21 de octubre 2020 11.30 hora de Miami
Los cacaos latinoamericanos con certificaciones de calidad
Este miércoles 22 de Julio a horas 11 de Lima, Perú, 18 horas de la UE, tendremos como huésped all Abogado Achille Bianchi con quien hablaremos del Cacao Latinoamericano, las buenas prácticas, casos exitosos. No faltes! Participa en esta dirección: