The Peruvian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project – PESIPRO, phase 2
PESIPRO-II aims to strengthen the use of selected IPRs in Peru in order to contribute to higher competitiveness, help to boost the added value of Peruvian products, and to have an overall positive impact on Peruvian economic development.
Event IP-Key IG-DO-ETG Cuzco Perú
Únete a nuestro evento híbrido en #Cusco, #Perú.
The Parliament approves the new law to combat global deforestation
The European Parliament has definitively approved a law which provides that companies will be able to sell in the EU only products whose supplier has issued a declaration of “due diligence” (so-called due diligence) certifying that the product does not come from land deforested and§/or did not contribute to forest degradation, as of December 31, […]
European Union provides technical assistance to Ecuador to build National Adaptation Plan to the European Green Pact
INNOVARE PER CRESCERE PUGLIA 2022 Agenzia ICE organizza, in collaborazione con Confindustria BARI BAT nell’ambito del Piano Export Sud 2 V annualità un ciclo di attività formative rivolto a PMI, Consorzi, Reti di impresa con sede nella Regione PUGLIA. Scadenza 26 aprile 2022 Il Corso è gratuito e finanziato con risorse del PES2 Il percorso, […]